Thursday, May 26, 2011

School years in recollection

“It’s been a long day, but the city waits.”
I hate it when the cursor keeps blinking at me. Blink. Blink. Blink. I decided to type out a recollection of the years I had in college an hour ago, but here I am, still staring at a blank entry - the cursor keeps on mocking me.
“It’ll come to you, come to you, if you don’t hesitate.”
The years I had in college has been amazing for me. It had great moments and ugly ones, but all things considered, I’m pretty happy with how the year turned out. Bad things and good things are scattered all over the year like the stars in the velvety sky… or like the books in my room.
“And in a lot of ways, I am to blame.”
I met a lot of great people. I got a few close friends. I lost some friends. I made new enemies. I had flings here and there. I found what I thought was the one then lost it soon after. I saw myself once more.
“Because I run to you, run to you all the way, and you know…”
I feel so blessed to have my best friends as my thesis mates. They have never disappointed me in anyway, and the gods may have been smiling upon us as we keep clearing hurdles and obstacles that normally spelled doom for us. I would never replace any of the ups and downs we had. As the saying goes - what doesn't kill you probably was weak anyways.
“I’m feeling tongue-tied, and I don’t know why.”
Partying and drinking are two things I love doing and those are things I also do in moderation. I am proud to say I have never been wasted in my college life. I have never vomited or passed out due to alcohol. I have met wonderful people through the parties I have gone to, and I intend to keep doing it.
“I can’t come to you, come to you this time.”
I love my family. They are always there for me, thick and thin or whatever the hell I go through. I especially love my sister. I think we have bonded so much this year, I wish our bond grows more and more through the years. I miss my oldest sister who is in UK, but I’m pretty sure she’s happy with where she is right now and she really deserves the happiness she enjoys. Mom and dad are still the same, loving parents they are. Even though they embarrass me a lot sometimes, I love them to bits.
” And what I had in mind, is something on the lines.”
My love life through out my college years is pretty life changing, to say the least. I have learned so much from the people I have dated. I’m beyond thankful for some of the people I met through dating, some of them have been the most amazing advice givers. They helped me keep my sanity on some matters and I really appreciate it.
“Running back to you, back to you in my time, and you know…”
I’m looking forward to the next chapter of my life. I’m going to continue taking care of myself, meeting new people, learning and enjoying every moment of my life and living my life for myself. This year has been a roller coaster ride. Ups and downs, hell, even loops and corkscrews, but you know what? I would definitely ride it again.
“I’m feeling so high.”